Why I Love Golf

I love golf because it is a simple game. It's just you out there, competing against yourself. Sometimes you win, sometimes you get beat. All by yourself.

But above all, it's a simple game. All you have to go is keep your head down and make a simple swing. Head down, left arm straight, and a simple swing, that's all there is to it. Back and through, with a nice tempo, and there you go. Head down, left arm straight, and a nice shoulder turn, and hit through the ball. Simple. Nice full turn, shoulder under the chin, back and through, with a nice tempo. It's easy, really, and that's what makes it such a beautiful and pure game. It's just you out there with your head down, left arm straight, and a good full turn of the shoulders. Don't even need to think about your hands. Just as long as you keep that right elbow tucked in, hands up behind your right ear, and pull through with the left arm, don't come over the top. Back and through, nice and easy. One piece takeaway, left arm straight, right elbow tucked in, let the hands take care of themselves, just make sure you're not laying it off, and a nice tempo, and hit through the ball. That's all there is to it. Let the legs do what they want to do. Just don't sway or leave your weight on the back foot. Just coil like a spring, create the torque, keep your head down, shoulder under the chin, nice tempo, and hit down on the ball, don't scoop it. Nice and easy, hands up behind the ear, let the hips open and that starts the movement, don't force it, let the club do the work. Nice wrist roll at just the right time for distance, and finish high. Just like that. Simple. Easy. Head down, right arm straight, nice shoulder turn, hands up behind the ear, right elbow in, the hands work together, nice tempo, little pause at the top, let the hips open, let the spring uncoil, throw your hands at the ball, let the club do the work, hit it inside out, stay on plane, rotate through the ball, good balance, hit through it, follow through, finish high.

It's just you out there. With your head down. You got to love a game that is so simple.


DodgerScott said…
You're right...it did make my day. I started laughing hysterically about a quarter of the way through...but kept on reading...sunflower seeds spilling out of my mouth falling onto the carpet in a puddle of saliva. Thanks for that.
Anonymous said…
wait, why do you like it? that was a little unclear.

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