A stocking stuffed with Wikileaks
So it's 9 days 'till Christmas and I know I should be wrapping gifts or making sugar plums or getting a tacky sweater out of mothballs, but somehow it seems more festive in my slanted mind to polish off a bottle of cab and try to wrap my weary old head around the whole Julian Assange-Wikileaks thing. So here goes. I think whistleblowers are brave, necessary people. I don't think Assange is a whistleblower. He's rather unlikable for an Aussie. He should wrestle a crocodile or something fun like that. All the "sex crimes" he's accused of are trumped up, of course. He looks a little like a young, less interesting version of Andy Warhol. He thinks he's done something really profound but all the stuff in the secret documents is just "yawn." Let's dig into the explosive secrets exposed in the diplomatic "cables" (and people are still sending cables? Is this in the parallel universe where people still use fax machines, too?) : Nations ...