
Showing posts from September, 2009

Men are scum but Nick Hornby's ok and so is Glee

This just in: TLC drops Jon and keeps Kate: TLC says the new show, which debuts November 2, will be "Kate Plus 8." Let me be frank here - I have never grasped the pleasure of watching these people try to manage their lives with 8 freaking kids running around. And the few times I accidentally glimpsed some of this "reality" show, it always seemed like mom and dad were barely tolerating each other. So it came as no surprise that this guy was getting some side action. I mean, even the most devout husband would be looking for any excuse to get out of the house that had 8 freaking kids running around with poopy diapers and snotty noses. Granted, he should have joined a fantasy football league or taken some night classes or something rather than go on the make, but there you go. Men are scum, we all know that. So now TLC can spin the whole thing into much more of a soap opera that it was before. I bet the ratings go through the roof if we have scenes of them yelling at ea...

Because you never know

"'In this world nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes." -Benjamin Franklin, 1789 Death and taxes. Inevitable. (How about death BY taxes? Some would say that's about to happen, too, but that sounds like the start of a political rant and I've lost all enthusiasm for those.) Funny that these two things we all know are so certain are the things we are so poorly prepared for most of the time. I mean, after all, you know you have to file by April 15 every year, and yet we still file extensions and fuss over it another six months. Human nature, I guess. And no surprise that so many of us shuffle off the mortal coil and leave it to others to pick up the pieces. When the eternal footman holds your coat, by the way, no extensions can be filed. Unless you have a really, really good CPA. I had my little glance at mortality a few months ago when I joined the melanoma club. Made me take notice of things left undone. And lately it seems like people are just g...

A bunch of things I like

I haven't had any dog bites or bee stings, but for some random reason I feel like making a list of a few of my favorite things , in no particular order, and here she goes: 1. Almonds 2. When people laugh so out of control they snort 3. That first morning it smells like fall, or spring, or summer, or winter 4. Email 5. Manhattan (New York, not Kansas) 6. A long, heavy overcoat 7. When somebody drives one deep and everyone rises to their feet all at once 8. Sleeping with the fan on. And the TV. And hitting the snooze button a lot. 9. Reaching a par 5 in 2 (setting up a 4 putt) 10. Frank Capra movies 11. The sound of a cello 12. The memory of sneaking a look at a Playboy magazine as a kid 13. Fighter jets in formation 14. When little kids laugh so hard they lose all bodily control 15. Manzanita 16. Good pinot noir 17. Sondheim 18. The vegetarian burrito at Soda Canyon Store 19. Making people laugh 20. Buying a gift for someone I love 21. The first pass with a new razor blade 22. High...