Because you really don't want to take your laptop into the john
It was random but today I got an email (by mistake, I think) and someone sent me this news story with the headline: Newsstand sales of US magazines drop 12 percent NEW YORK (AP) -- Consumers are buying fewer magazines at newsstands given the deep recession and the availability of plenty of free reading material online. An industry group said Monday that single-copy sales tumbled 12 percent in the first half of this year compared with the same period in 2008. That followed a year-over-year decline of 11 percent during the second half of last year. Some group called the Audit Bureau of Circulations (and don't you wish you had THAT job!) gave out these numbers ...Cosmopolitan is still the most popular magazine at newsstands, though sales fell nearly 8 percent to 1.6 million. In overall circulation figures, Playboy and TV Guide Magazine fared the worst, down 9 percent and 10 percent, respectively. People magazine's circulation fell nearly 5 percent and Reader's Digest saw a ...