One View of the Pandemic, One Year Later: Part 3

Early March, 2020... For me, it doesn't get any busier than it was the first 10 days of March one year ago. On top of prepping and hosting the morning drive radio show on KVON, I anchored our election night coverage, sat in as a "guest teacher" on a friend's acting class in Santa Rosa, had a couple of fund development meetings for the Lucky Penny, rehearsed Sweeney Todd, and prepped the theatre for "Local Bands Night" on Friday (always a money maker at the bar). Plus two teaching sessions for the elementary school theatre project that would culminate on Tuesday, March 10th. There wasn't enough time to worry about having too many things on my plate because I had too many things on my plate. Navigated that week, gave the best I had to each chunk of it, and steeled myself for the week ahead which would lead into tech week for Sweeney. One year later I am home before dark every night and sleep a glorious number of hours each night, sleeping so indulgently t...